Going 32-bit
There are follow-ups:
Memory management
If was quite painful to make the computer work with the SDRAM. The 32MB SDRAM
needs a special controller to be used. I have found one useful controller on the github:
Since there are two types of memory in this computer (dynamic and static), I
had to make a decision how to layout the memory. First 40KBs are used for the static RAM (all interrupt
vectors, text and graphics video RAM and sprite definition memory). After that, the rest of the memory is in
the SDRAM (up until 32MB).
If there is a need to read from the memory, this is how it is done. Let's
suppose that we need to read 16 bits from the PC + 2 address:
addr <= (pc + 2) >>
1;next_state <= EXECUTE;state <= READ_DATA;
We need to set the next_state register to the state to which we want to
return, when the read is done. Then, the CPU goes to the READ_DATA state.
READ_DATA: begin if (addr >=
SDRAM_START_ADDR) begin waiting_sdram
<= 1; addr_o <=
addr; rd_enable_o <=
1'b1; if (busy_i)
begin state <=
end else
begin memrd <=
1'b1; memwr <=
1'b0; state <=
In this READ_DATA state, the CPU puts the address to the SDRAM address
bus (addr_o), and sets the rd_enable to 1. Then it waits until the SDRAM is ready to read
(busy_i is 1). When the SDRAM controller starts reading, the CPU goes to the READ_WAIT state.
READ_WAIT: begin if (addr
>= SDRAM_START_ADDR) begin rd_enable_o
<= 1'b0; if (rd_ready_i)
begin waiting_sdram <=
0; data_r <=
rd_data_i; state <=
end else
begin memrd <=
1'b0; memwr <=
1'b0; data_r <=
data; state <=
The READ_WAIT state finishes when the data is obtained from the memory
(the actual data is in the data_r register). It takes approx. 6 cycles (at 100 MHz) to fully obtain
data from the memory (from READ_DATA to READ_WAIT, both to be finished). Then, the CPU goes to
the next_state, as being set before this reading operation has been started.
writing to the SDRAM memory, let's suppose that we want to put something on the stack:
<= (regs[SP] - 2'd2) >> 1;data_to_write <=
regs[ir[11:8]][15:0];// move sp to the next
locationregs[SP] <= regs[SP] - 2'd2;next_state <=
We need to set the next_state register to the state to which we want to
return, when the write is done. Then, the CPU goes to the WRITE_DATA state.
WRITE_DATA: begin if
(addr >= SDRAM_START_ADDR) begin
waiting_sdram <= 1; addr_o
<= addr; wr_data_o <=
data_to_write; wr_enable_o <=
1'b1; if
(busy_i) state <=
end else
begin memrd <=
1'b0; memwr <=
1'b1; state <=
In the WRITE_DATA state, the CPU would set the address to be written
(addr_o), data to be written (wr_data_o), and would set the wr_enable_o to 1. Then it
would wait for the controller to notify that it is ready to write (busy_i is 1). Then the CPU goes to
the WRITE_WAIT state.
WRITE_WAIT: begin if
(addr >= SDRAM_START_ADDR) begin
wr_enable_o <= 1'b0; if
(~busy_i) begin waiting_sdram <=
0; state <=
end else
begin memrd <=
1'b0; memwr <=
1'b0; state <=
The WRITE_WAIT state finishes when the data is saved to the memory. It
takes approx. 6 cycles (at 100 MHz) to fully write data to the memory (from WRITE_DATA to
WRITE_WAIT, both to be finished). Then, the CPU goes to the next_state, as being set before
this writing operation has been started.
CPU redesign
The CPU itself was redesigned, too. It now has quite rich
instruction set, 32-bit, 16-bit and 8-bit instructions, floating point (32-bit, single precision), and three
- IRQ0 is the timer interrupt (triggered when a given number of milliseconds have been
- IRQ1 is the UART interrupt (triggered when a byte has arrived), and
- IRQ2 is the PS/2
interrupt (triggered, whenever a key is pressed on the PS/2 keyboard).
The timer IRQ was made this way: there is a counter which is incremented every
millisecond. There is a timer port which initially holds zero. The programmer needs to set the number of
milliseconds to be counted after which the interrupt would occur. It is done using the OUT instruction:
mov.s r0, 0x0001 ; JUMP
opcodemov.s r1, TIMER_HANDLER_ADDR ;
timer vector addressst.s [r1], r0mov.w r0,
timer_triggeredmov.s r1, TIMER_HANDLER_ADDR + 2st.w
[r1], r0 ; the timer IRQ handler has been
move.w r0, 50 ; set the timer interrupt for every 50 milliseconds
out 129,
The assembler code above would set the internal timer register to the
given value (50). Every millisecond the CPU would increase another internal register, named
timer_counter, and when the timer_counter reaches the timer, that would trigger the
timer interrupt:
if (timer && (timer_counter < timer))
begin timer_counter <= timer_counter +
1'b1;endelse if (timer && (timer_counter ==
timer)) begin irq[0] <=
1; timer_counter <=
0;end At the end of each instruction execution, there is a
check for the interrupts:
if (irq_r[0]) begin // timer
pc <= 16'd8; addr <=
16'd4; irq_r[0] <=
0;end If there is a timer interrupt, the CPU would jump to
FPGA Raspbootin loader
I have modified the FPGA Raspbootin loader so it would now load the FPGA itself, instead of relying on the
Quartus II studio for that. This means that I can now control the Computer from a single application - FPGA
The loader now first loads the design into the
FPGA (unless it is flashed - then no loading the design file is needed), and then it loads the selected
binary into the computer. Here is the Java code for loading the design into the FPGA (by starting the
quartus_pgm.exe program):
public static void runFpga()
Process process;
try {
process = new ProcessBuilder(qpfPath,
"-c", "usb-blaster",
"-m", "jtag",
"-o", "P;" + sofPath).start();
InputStream is = process.getInputStream();
InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is);
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
String line;
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {
The qpfPath points to the quartus_pgm.exe file, which acutally
loads the design into the FPGA. Usually it is something
like: C:\altera\13.0\quartus\bin\quartus_pgm.exe
The design file has the
*.sof extension, and it is loaded into the FPGA
using the
quartus_pgm.exe program. The
*.sof file is built during the compilation of the
design inside the Quartus II studio. In my program, the path to the
*.sof file is in the
sofPath variable.
More details about loading FPGA design on the DE0-NANO FPGA board can be
found here:
The 32-bit rework took more time than I expected, mainly because I wanted to
use the built-in 32MB SDRAM. Then I added the floating-point instructions and now it looks quite stable. I
have used about 80% of the FPGA, so I could try to do something more later.
The CPU is on the github:
https://github.com/milanvidakovic/FPGAComputer32The assembler examples are on
the github:
https://github.com/milanvidakovic/Assembler32The Raspbootin64 boot loader is on
the github:
https://github.com/milanvidakovic/FPGARaspbootin64ClientThe Emulator is on the