Toy Car v2.0

New version of the RPI-driven car

This is a followup of my previous posts: this and this.

I wasn't satisified with my previous build of the car. The bunch of wires was sticking all around the car. More important, the car just had a chassis with everything thrown on it. I wanted to have a complete car (with panels, headlights, etc.). That idea required to cut some wires, to solder instead of connect, to glue those wires with the plastic gun and so on. 

The result is here:

Here are some snapshots:
It looks nice, doesn't it?

I managed to put everything inside the car. Cameras, too.
 The front camera
 The rear camera

I started with the chassis. But this time, I have cut the wires to the appropriate length, used shrinking plastic insulator and screwed some components on the chassis:
The car inside looks neat now

I have used existing switch (from the original car setup - bottom left corner) to turn on/off the car. The switch is connected to the battery connector, so it controls the whole car. Now, when I want to use the car, I have just one connector to connect to the battery (top right corner of the photo).

The final assembly looks like this:
Added USB cams, headlights, A/D converter and serial port

I have ordered Orange Pi Zero to put instead of Raspberry Pi. I will write my experience with it when it arrives.


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