Yet another one day build of a digital clock
So, what is the difference this time? I have used TM1637 four-digit,
seven-segment display, instead of driverlesss display. The difference is in the number of components.
Instead of having twelve resistors and four transistors to drive the 7-segment display, now I have a single
display with the built-in driver.
The code is on github.
Here is the schematics:
When you compare that to my previous 4-digit 7-segment build, you will notice the difference. The code is simpler,
too:The code is on github.
Here is the schematics:
const int CLK = 17; //Set the CLK pin connection to the display
const int DIO = 16; //Set the DIO pin connection to the display
TM1637Display display(CLK, DIO); //set up the 4-Digit Display.
void setup() {
//set the display brightness (0x0a is max)
void loop() {
display.showNumberDec(hour_1*1000 + hour_2*100 + minute_1*10 + minute_2);
toggle = ~toggle;
if (toggle)
display.showNumberDecEx(hour_1*1000 + hour_2*100 + minute_1*10 + minute_2, (0x80 >> 1), true);
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